A Simple Example of a Text Modal

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Commission Resolution No. 08-2022: Approving the Revised Rules of Procedure on Consent Order

/ Commission Resolution No. 08-2022: Approving the Revised Rules of Procedure on Consent Order

Commission Resolution No. 08-2022: Approving the Revised Rules of Procedure on Consent Order

The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) has revised Rule III, Articles III and IV of PCC’s 2017 Rules of Procedure to clarify the coverage of, and streamline the process for Consent Order applications.

Upon consultation with stakeholders, approval by the Philippine Competition Commission en banc, submission to the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law Center on 2 August 2022  and published on a national newspaper with general circulation on 15 August 2022,  the revised rules shall take effect on 30 August 2022.

A Consent Order is a legal remedy that allows an Entity to provide immediate commitments to address competition issues and harm identified by PCC's Enforcement Office. This remedy shall be triggered by an application before the Commission, which when approved, will avoid administrative prosecution and admission of a violation to the Philippine Competition Act in favor of immediate action to address identified competition concerns in affected markets.

The Consent Order is a form of Non-Adversarial Remedy afforded by the Philippine Competition Act as a way to abbreviate investigations and instead promptly correct competition issues in favor of consumer welfare, economic efficiency, and fairness.



Commission Resolution No. 08-2022:
Approving the Revised Rules of Procedure on Consent Order

Download (PCC-Revised-Rules-Consent-Order-Comm-Resolution-No-08-2022-31May2022.pdf)

Download (PCC-Revised-Rules-Consent-Order-Enforcement-30Aug2022.pdf)






