The National Competition Policy of the Philippines
30 July 2020
Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 01-2020 contains the National Competition Policy (NCP), developed by the National Economic and Development Authority and the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC). It seeks to reinforce the implementation of the Philippine Competition Act by directing national government agencies (NGAs), government-owned or -controlled corporations (GOCCs), and local government units (LGUs) to adopt and implement pro-competition policies and regulations. The NCP is envisioned to prevent market distortions and ensure an even playing field among businesses.
1676964972_NCP_NEDA-PCC-JMC_Signed.pdfThe NCP lists three key elements in its implementation:
1. Pro-competitive policies and government interventions;
2. Competitive neutrality; and
3. Enforcement of competition-related laws and issuances.
The PCC is the chief implementor of the NCP. Under Administrative Order No. 44 (series of 2021), all national government agencies, government-owned or -controlled corporations and local government units are directed to adopt and implement the NCP.