The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) is composed of a Chairperson and four Commissioners who serve for a fixed term of seven years. All Commissioners have security of tenure and shall not be reappointed. Appointments are made by the President, with the Philippine Competition Act (PCA) requiring the selection of senior experts in economics, law, finance, commerce, or engineering.
- Conducting inquiry, investigating, and hearing and deciding on cases involving violations of the PCA, its implementing rules, and other competition laws;Insert your text here
- Reviewing proposed merger or acquisition transactions, determining thresholds, requirements, and procedures;
- Prohibiting mergers and acquisition transactions that will substantially lessen competition in the relevant market;
- Monitoring and analyzing the practice of competition in markets, and issuing advisory opinion, rules, and guidelines on competition matters for the effective enforcement of the PCA;
- Conducting, publishing, and disseminating studies, reports, and other publications on competition matters to inform and guide the industry and consumers; and
- Advocating pro-competitive policies of the government.